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Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha Statue

Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha Statue

AGE: – 19th Century
HEIGHT: – 72cm
WIDTH:  – 30cm across base
DEPTH: – 19cm
WEIGHT: – 2.65 kg.


19th Century Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha Statue seated under naga, gilded and decorated with green and white glass mosaics and thayo lacquer floral decoration across the front of the base with a scaled pattern on the sides and back of the naga.

The technique of creating lacquer Buddha statues was thought to have been introduced to the Mon craftsmen of Thaton, through their interaction with China around the Bagan period (1044 – 1113).
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Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha Statue
Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha Statue
Right side view Burmese Hollow Lacquer Buddha Under Naga
History of Burmese Lacquer ware
Buddha Statue seated under Naga
Back view Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha Statue
base view Hollow Lacquer Shan Buddha Statue
Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha
Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha Statue

19th Century Burmese Shan Tai Yai Hollow Lacquer Buddha seated under naga, gilded and decorated with green and white glass mosaics and thayo lacquer floral decoration across the front of the base with a scaled pattern on the sides and back of the naga.

Product In-Stock: InStock

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