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Burmese King Mindon's Ploughing Ceremony

Burmese King Mindon’s Ploughing Ceremony

King Mindon was born in 1814 in Amarapura and died in 1878 in Mandalay, he was most notable for his reforms and cultural advancement before the British Colonial period. In 1872 his Chief Minister Kinwun Mingyi U Gaung was sent on a diplomatic mission to London, Rome, and Paris in his endeavours to secure Myanmar’s status as an independent country and to appeal for restoration of lost territory.

Burmese King Mindon’s Ploughing Ceremony in the Royal Paddy Fields and the three most fundamental needs required for his people:

The three most fundamental needs:

(1) Life security – A good strong army is a first and foremost need for life security
(2) Food security – Food production, agriculture
(3) Water security. – water source and storage is the third. In all civilization

The above three needs are the primary concerns of the rulers or governments. Myanmar was no exception. In any period of Myanmar’s history, the first thing that the kings did, once they came to the throne was to set up defence frontier outposts, reorganize the army, repair arable lands and reclaim new agricultural lands, repair old irrigation systems and water storages and building new ones.

In addition to these practical down-to-earth activities, Myanmar kings turned also to their ritual and ceremonial aspects of these activities, such as rain-calling rites and harvest-promoting rites. When monsoon approaches in the month of Nayone [June] farmers are busy with agricultural activities beginning with ploughing.
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Burmese King Mindon's Ploughing Ceremony - Outside King Mindons Monastery
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